Let's enhance your child's life
In OWC we assist and guide them by developing healthy habits.
We like to see children at an early age so we can screen for proper facial growth & assess oral posture. Our goal is overall wellness and, with kids, that means developing a relationship of trust with them as early as possible. We like to see kids as young as age 4.
One of the things that sets us apart is our commitment to helping children avoid invasive and /or traumatic treatments & procedures.
Of children have sleep disordered breathing (SBD) including Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA),
Go undiagnosed.
Difficulty concentrating


Under achieving in school

Poor performance in sports

Short attention spans

Behavioral problems

Bed wetting

Digestive issues

...the list goes on.

I have partnered with colleagues from around the world to learn how to help children achieve proper facial growth. Dr. John Mew pioneered facial growth guidance in the 1950's. William M. Hang DDS MSD is a pioneer in non-retractive orthodontics for children and adults.
Our goal is to always recommend treatment. That will help patients to become their best. Not just a better smile, but a better you.
This can lead to sleep disturbances in children. It's often an invisible problem that presents itself in frustrating ways:
We have several treatment options for children.
Children who have poor oral posture and jaws that grow down and back in the face often breath primarily through their mouths.
Orthodontics Can Help Children Sleep Better at Night, Perform Better During The Day & Feel Better Mentally & Physically.
The orthodontic techniques I use can create healthier jaw joints, larger airways & broad smiles that are complete to the corners of the mouth. That often helps children breathe better sleep more soundly and live healthier, happier lives.
Pediatric Orthotropics ®
A well developed face and jaws that grow forward in the face can positively impact breathing, sleep and overall childhood development.
More about Crozats Appliance.
Crozats Appliance
ALF Orthodontics
(Advanced Light Force Functional Appliance)
More about GoPex.
More about Invisalign.
The ALF system is the most holistic that we offer. The appliance uses gentle forces that are very easy to get used to for people who might be a bit more sensitive to discomfort.
The Crozat is smaller than traditional expanders. When patients wear it consistently and as suggested, it can give a nice result with minimal discomfort.
Proper Rest Oral Posture is critical for healthy facial growth and healthy airway development. GoPex Training can help kids achieve better oral posture. GoPex is 100% holistic and helps with posture, function & growth.
We started using Invisalign clear aligners in 1990 and became a Premier Provider in 2016. Invisalign trays are a great way for some patients to achieve a terrific smile!
More about Damon Braces.
We use the best possible brace system that looks great, most comfortable and helps to reduce length of treatment.
Damon Braces
Learn more about ALF Therapy and about combining it with Osteopathic Therapy.
Alternative Orthodontics
HealthyStart offers a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical, pain free approach to opening the airway and straightening teeth without braces.
More about HealthyStart.
We Want Children To Grow Better
We guide our patients to think and say "let ME make ME better", a great confidence and willpower booster in challenging times and at all ages.
1-4 years old
1-4 years old
How We Prevent Crooked Teeth:
We start treatment with a holistic approach to promote nasal breathing, mature swallow, and proper face and body posture. Chronic mouth breathing causes unfiltered and non humidified air to hit the tonsils causing swelling of the tonsils and adenoids.

We review foods and nutrition and go over good oral resting posture exercises.
With open mouth posture the face will grow in the wrong direction downward and back leading to crooked teeth, poor airway and unattractive face.
4-6 years old
4-6 years old
If we notice the form of the face is not developing ideally, we can start early treatment.
Our goal at this stage is to have nickel spacing between all the baby teeth and proper oral resting posture and mature swallow. This will allow good space the permanent teeth to grow and erupt ages.

6-12 years old
6-12 years old
Best time for Growth Guidance
Our main goal for kids is to develop proper facial and dental growth, which comes with additional benefits. Proper body posture, proper etiquette at the dinner table, builds manors, voice and diction, discipline and confidence.

  1. The body leads to being able to adapt and be supple
  2. Mind leads to stamina and
  3. Spirit leads to strength
12-19 years old
12-19 years old
Braces and Clear Aligners for a better smile.
We use the most comfortable, light biological forces for healthy tooth movement. Non-extraction treatment.
We want our customers to feel welcome in our office. We encourage all parents/caregivers to accompany the child to the appointment as direct involvement of parents with pediatric patients is the best dynamic for success.
I have years of experience, but I never stop learning. Airway orthodontics and "forwardontics" are my passion, which will be evident at every appointment.
I proudly perform 90% of all direct patient care in my practice – unlike many other offices that delegate most work to dental assistants. This is how I create a long-term bond with my patients, for which I am truly grateful.
Lifelong Learning
Direct Care
A Visit to Our Office
The Orthodontic Wellness Center stands apart from other offices in several ways:
Feels Like Family
You're one click away from a healthier life for you and your children.
Combat sleep problems, address unexpected childhood behaviors and pair a healthy smile with a healthy body.